
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Two Major Team Leadership Frameworks

The following is adapted from an article by Dr. Cory Dobbs a national expert on sport leadership and team building. He is the founder of The Academy for Sport Leadership. Traditional Team Captain Model (Rank-Based) Starts from a position that leadership is exclusive; leaders possess the “right stuff” Fixed mindset; leadership can be learned to some extent, but mostly a unique genetic endowment. Scarcity mindset Grounded in leadership as a “power” position Hierarchical command and control over others Performance-oriented Leader accountable to the coaching staff; invested in pleasing coaches  Leadership learning “passed” down to future leaders Followers are recipients of an act of leadership Leader-centric (focus on the person) Team Leadership Model (Peer-Based) Starts from a position of leadership as inclusive; everyone is invited to lead self, others, and with others to create individual and team well-being Growth mindset; basic and advanced qualities and ski

What People Read and Hear Can Influence Prejudices

It seems wholly intuitive that the mass media would have a strong impact on how people perceive immigrants. Nonetheless, recent research from the University of Bern (Switzerland) provides an interesting insight into the scale of this impact, especially in forging and underpinning the prejudices we feel towards immigrants. The researchers examined the various prejudices felt towards two groups (Roma and Kosovo Albanians) that are largely perceived in a negative way, and then immigrants who are largely perceived in a positive way (Italians).  The research was conducted in the Czech Republic and Switzerland, with participants given a number of fake newspaper stories to read.  The stories were either positive, negative or mixed in their reporting of the behavior of immigrants.  Interestingly, it took just a single article for prejudices to be altered. “Positive reports led to less pronounced prejudice, while negative reports led to more pronounced prejudice against the described min

Finding Your Purpose

The following is from the book Coach Yourself.  Inner peace comes from living your life on purpose. Your life’s purpose comes from what you most value. It should not be decided upon by someone else. It is not a list of things you think you must achieve. Rather it is a feeling that what you do matters. Your purpose is the way you live your life that brings you the most peace. Here are some thoughts to help you find your true purpose. What we must decide is perhaps how we are valuable, rather than how valuable we are.  --F. Scott Fitzgerald  This is our purpose: to make as meaningful as possible this life that has been bestowed upon us; to live in such a way that we may be proud of ourselves; to act in such a way that some part of us lives on. --Oswald Spengler Live for something--Do good, and leave behind you a monument of virtue that the storms of time can never destroy.  --Thomas Chalmers There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is transla

What You Think You Know But Don't Leads To Better Learning

It might seem largely negative to have a fraction of the knowledge we need to truly understand a topic, but research from the University of California, Berkeley, suggests that this actually acts as the spur to encourage us to gain that level of expertise. The findings challenge previous work that suggested that curiosity on its own is sufficient to have a desire to learn, which they believe has implications, even for more novel educational approaches, such as the Montessori approach. “It’s very in vogue to talk about curiosity as a strategy to increase learning, but it’s unclear how to engage people’s curiosity,” the authors explain. “Our study suggests it’s the uncertainty--when you think you know something and discover you don’t--that leads to the most curiosity and learning.” Tailored learning The authors believe that this could lead to more tailored learning. For instance, asking students how they think things work can help to surface any gaps in their knowledge, and p