“Hell Yes” Approach To Decision Making

One key factor that separates inspiring and successful leaders from those who are trying to make it is their decisiveness. Derek Sivers suggests using a “Hell Yeah" approach to decision making. Here's how it works: For every opportunity that comes your way ask yourself, "Do I want to…"

Most often, you'll intuitively respond in one of three ways:

“HELL YES!!!!! Abso-freaking-lutely! No question! YESSSSSS." When this happens, you should do it. Right now.

"Yeah... This makes sense. I can see this working. Yes." When this happens, you should table it for now and revisit it later. Or never.

"Maybe. That could be cool. That might work." When this happens, you should walk away. Mediocre is not good enough.

The difference between the aspiring leader and the one who's building a championship program lies in the ability to say "Hell yes" or "Hell no." Quickly. There is no yes. There is no maybe. "Hell yes or NO." Those four words will change the path of your work and life. 

--The Coaching and Leadership Journal
