A Dozen Coaching Fundamentals

  1. The team is an extension of the coaching staff. 
  2. Find leaders with the right mental approach. Find positive leaders. 
  3. Roles & goals. Develop an awareness of the spiritual, social, academic, athletic, social and economic goals of each of your players. 
  4. Players play to their personality and selfishness is  the last of the great personality traits people acquire.
  5. You can never get back to learning if they think they know all the answers.
  6. A few self-motivated players who care more about the team than themselves can make the session.
  7. Before a team can be aggressive, tough and quick physically, they must be aggressive, tough and quick mentally.
  8. Don’t ever be predictable as a coach, as the team should react to you. Teams and some individuals sometimes think they have arrived.
  9. Think win at all times and your total preparation will carry you through.
  10. Complacency is the forerunner of mediocrity. You can never work too hard on attitudes, effort and technique.
  11. Don’t over-coach in the big games, but you’ll have to over-coach the games the players think are unimportant.
  12. You can’t wait forever for potential. Get some lesser talented players who are winners.
--The Coaching and Leadership Journal

