Nick Saban On Having A No Retreat Mindset

Success is a direct result of making a commitment to a task, having the conviction to follow through, and having the character and attitude to make the kind of choices that will allow you to have success.

Commitment is your dedication to your task, your organization, and your teammates. It is an unwavering display of loyalty to the process and to achieving the desired result.

Many centuries ago, Roman soldiers attempted to invade the island of England by attacking the cliffs of Dover. Just across the English Channel from France, the cliffs served as a close entry point for invading soldiers. But they were not easy to climb and overtake, especially when they were being defended.

For years, the Romans tried to take the cliffs, failing, and retreating each time. They would get into their rowboats, which they launched from their ships, row to shore, try to scale the cliffs, and then return to their ships, time and time again.

Finally, a Roman captain made a decision. He ordered that on the next attempt, the rowboats be burned onshore so there would be no means of retreat for the soldiers. They would either succeed in taking the cliffs or they would perish.

With no option of failure, they finally took the cliffs.

Obviously, not all commitments are as dangerous or elaborate as the Romans taking the cliffs of Dover, but the principle is the same.

Commitment means following through on a process, despite the difficulties and decisions that may deter you.

The more options you have, the more possible retreat is made, the easier it is to break a commitment.

Once you have made a decision to commit, you are making a choice for yourself and for your team. There can be no retreat.

--Nick Saban, from his book How Good Do You Want to Be?
