Lon Kruger's Simplicity of Success


As coaches, we expect results immediately as well. While we understand the value of wins and losses, we know we must have other measures during the crucial building period as we are establishing the foundation on which to proceed. We focus on improving our starting point.

We want our team to be better at the beginning of the next season than we were at the beginning of the last season.

If we improve every day in practice, that means we enter the next practice or the next game at an improved starting point every time.

This philosophy brings results because it forces you to focus on improving just a little bit every single day. If you do that, you will make consistent progress and eventually win games.

Consistent short-term improvement leads to long-term success. It’s not always about hitting the home run or focusing solely on final results.

The “simplicity of success”—leading our team to do the basic things every day to implement our plan—contributes directly to improving the starting point.

Continually try to improve your starting point and you can’t fail.

– Lon Kruger, from his book The Xs & Os of Success
