A Dozen Takeaways From Think, Learn, Succeed

Think, Learn, Succeed: Understanding and Using Your Mind to Thrive at School, the Workplace, and Life is a book written by Dr. Caroline Leaf. Backed by up-to-date scientific research and practical insight, Dr. Leaf empowers you to take control of your thoughts in order to take control of your life. Dr. Leaf shows you how to combine three powerful tools in order to improve your memory, learning, cognitive and intellectual performance, work performance, physical performance, relationships, and emotional health. Here are ten takeaways from reading the book...
  1. Epigenetics shows that externally driven changes, such as how we think and react to events of life, will influence the behavior of your genes. We are not merely our genes or our biology.
  2. You are the one who has control over your thinking, you wield the power through the way you think, feel, and choose.
  3. We cannot use the same measures that we use to measure the physical world to measure the nonphysical world. 
  4. No two people have the same thoughts about the same event or thing. Everyone’s perceptions differ, each person has the power to create his or her own reality. 
  5. We need to understand who we are because we need to be ourselves, not someone else, to succeed in life. You will make a great you but a lousy someone else. 
  6. Even though we are each wired differently, we are all wired for success.  
  7. Talent is not fixed; it grows and develops with us as we use it.  
  8. Each of us has a true self and each of us also has an adapted self that has been influenced by our environment and circumstances. 
  9. Society as a whole can only progress if we understand that we don’t all have to fit in one particular mold. 
  10. A lot of people are labeled and put in a box when there wasn’t even a box to begin with. 
  11. We need to learn to savor the pleasure of now and not just marinate in the misery of the past or imagine that the grass will be greener in the future.
  12. The words you speak are electromagnetic and quantum life forces come from thoughts inside your brain, which you build into your mind by thinking, feeling, and choosing over time.
