A Baker's Dozen Quotes From Spirit Means Business

Spirit Means Business: The Way to Prosper Wildly without Selling Your Soul is a terrific book by Alan Cohen. Cohen is the author of 27 popular inspirational books, which this one is one of my favorites. Here are 13 quotes from the book.
  1. You cannot cling to the old and embrace the new.
  2. When your motivation and intention are strong, you do what you need to do because no other option is acceptable.
  3. Everything you do represents your choice
  4. A labor of love is no labor at all.
  5. Thinking out of the box is the first step for getting out of the box. 
  6. If it’s not fun, hire it done.
  7. There are people who would love to do what you hate to do. Let them do what they do best so you can free yourself up to do what you do best.
  8. You can always change your mind. An attitudinal upgrade fulfills you in ways that exterior changes cannot.
  9. There is not always a direct correspondence between the method by which you serve and the channel through which your compensation comes. Live in the grander picture and all of your needs will be taken care of by a hand larger than your own.
  10. You can be taken care of through an infinite number of ways. Providence knows how to find you.
  11. Intention mobilizes life force and ability.
  12. There is no limit to the energy you find when you stay on track with the things you want to do. If you have lots of things you want to do, you will find lots of energy to do them. This is why some people are very productively busy. Other people are very busy but they are exhausted because they are doing things they don’t want to do. Your energy does not depend on how many things you are doing. It depends on how much you value the things you are doing.
  13. Choose activities in which you breathe rather than suffocate. 

