What The Gym Can Teach You About Life

Here is what the gym can teach you about life:
  1. There is all of the potential for greatness every day, again. If you endeavor to make a change in the physical form, you have that opportunity every day, no matter what happened the day before. If you determine to exceed a boundary, whatever the measure, you will. Knowing that you can recreate the opportunity to not only exceed a limit previously set, but to do so with magnificence is one of the key reasons to return to the gym every day.
  2. You should leave feeling the way you want to feel. In the moment of the greatest physical demand, there is a threshold for discomfort, one that’s built into our natural condition as humans, that seeks relief from pain. To endure beyond this discomfort, one must conjure something within. If you fold into the desire to be relieved of momentary discomfort, then folding becomes your point of internal reference. Conversely, if you push through, you see yourself as a person who does that, who pushes through. It sounds good when you are strong and in a superior position, but it is so hard to do when you fall and you are weak. Yet, when you push through discomfort, you recreate who you are to yourself.
  3. There is no progress in vague goals. If you go to the gym and step onto some equipment, you might burn some calories. If you lift some weights, it’s possible you will encourage a muscle to change. But true transformation requires intention and an absolute goal. You must articulate the desire to make it manifest. Nothing definite can ever come from something undefined.
  4. Growth comes from destruction and repair. Cells that make up muscle tissue are temporary. They die and regenerate. The nature of a cell is that it is in a constant state of flux and that is its purpose: to grow to its inherent potential, and to die in order to create the opportunity for a new expression of cellular code. You are never stuck with a form you do not like and all the potential exists every day to create something completely new.We are made up of prewired potential. The cell is only the manifestation of some greater intelligence at play all the time.
  5. Make choices in the way you want your life to become. One of the key things about purposeful and maximal training is that the best results come from carrying your muscle through the form you wish to create. A muscle becomes what it does. You can become what you do.
  6. Sometimes just the act of showing up is enough. It is true that consistently training without purpose will not permit progress, but showing up precedes all the possibility purposeful training allows. If it is all you can do on that day, just show up.
  7. If you show up when you don’t want to, you get more credit. This speaks for itself.
  8. Climbing is the hardest but most rewarding endeavor. When you step on the revolving stairs first. Climbing is the hardest thing you will ever do to your body, no matter how well-oiled your physical machine. Climbing will net the greatest results, because in a natural state of ease, you don’t want to climb. 
  9. The greatest opportunity lies in the deepest void. If you lose all of your conditioning and you are at an absolute state of physical zero, you have the best palette for creating the thing you most desire. The void is where the greatest opportunities are. If you have nothing, there are no limits to what you can become.
  10. There is no limit to the number of times you can recreate yourself. No one is ever given a defined limit on failure, progress, success and rebirth. You can have the most profound loss and then the most soaring success. You can overcome adversity thousands of times, and if you are alive long enough, you will. You can never use up all the times you can become something else.

--Adapted from an article by Debbie Sanders

The Coaching and Leadership Journal Archive Issues 
Volume Two 
All Issues From 2014



