Power Thoughts For The Road To Success

Here are some power thoughts to help you on your success road that leads to living the life you are meant to live:
  • Believing something is impossible is arrogant. It was arrogant of people to believe we’d never fly. 
  • Make your vision of where you want to be a reality. Believe that nothing is impossible.
  • We don’t know what we don’t know. Why put a cap on what’s possible? Why live in the past? Live in the present and visualize the future as you want it to be.
  • When you decide to live your dreams you expect radical and amazing stuff to happen.You don’t define what that must be you simply trust that things will work out. 
  • As you advance toward your dream, some will call you lucky, others will say you’re blessed. Whatever the case, living your dream becomes your new normal.
  • Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Don't waste time talking about other people.
  • Beyond your point of no return is freedom---freedom from triviality and mediocrity.
  • When you decide to go for your dreams you are no longer trying to please everyone around you. You are going to do what you believe you should do regardless of what others think.
  • Consistency is the evidence of belief..

