Erik Spoelstra On...

"The number one key of building a relationship is to be honest to your players. Don’t skew the numbers or statistics. If they need the truth, level with them. They may not like it, but they’ll respect you because of it."

"Learn the most by failing. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Experience is the best teacher, but I learned the most from my failures."

Facing Obstacles:
"It’s all about working around obstacles. You can’t let others’ opinions bring you down. People would always say, ‘Oh why is he coaching? He looks like he’s 12’, or ‘He’s gonna get fired if he doesn’t win a championship’."

"We made every team member commit to certain goals and sign it with a gold pen. It made it certain that we were traveling the same road winning a championship."

"Don’t brush anything under the rug. Don’t point fingers or do the blame game. A team is a family, and we’re in this together."

