Positive Pledge For Team Members

  • I pledge to be a positive leader who sets the example for my teammates through my positive attitude and actions.

  • I promise to share positive energy and encouragement with my team.

  • I will not be an energy vampire nor will I sabotage myself and team with negativity, complaining and excuses.

  • When I make a mistake I will own it and seek to improve.

  • When I'm not performing well I will stay positive and strive to get better.

  • When I experience self-doubt I will remember a time when I succeeded.

  • When I feel fear I will choose faith.

  • When I face adversity I will find strength.

  • When my team experiences a defeat I will choose to stay positive and prepare to achieve another victory.

  • With hard work, determination and faith, I will never give up and will always help my team move forward towards our vision and goals.

  • Today and every day I will be positive and strive to make a positive impact on my team.

--Jon Gordon
