New Found Wisdom

During a seminary faculty meeting, an angel suddenly appeared and told the Dean, “Sir, I will grant you whichever of three blessings you choose—wisdom, beauty or 10 million dollars.”

For the Dean it was no contest. His theology was clear, and he knew his followers would be upset if he chose something that the Bible says is "the root of all evil." So he happily chose wisdom. There was a flash of lightning, and the Dean appeared transformed. But then he just sat there, staring silently down at the table.

So one of his colleagues whispers to him,  "What's wrong? Why don’t you test out your new found wisdom right away? Say something really wise to us.”

Now blessed with infinite wisdom, the Dean sighed and said, “I should have taken the money.”

A couple of morals of the story:
  • Even though it is wise to learn from every decision the best time to ask for wisdom is before making a choice.
  • And, be wise enough to make decisions without worrying what others may think.

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