A Few Self-Examination Thoughts For Leaders

Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills
We all have problems in life, and they won’t magically disappear no matter how successful we become. We must continuously learn and outgrow our problems. It is the way we approach problems that will determine whether we are successful or not.

Work on your philosophy, work on your attitude, work on your personality, work on your language, work on your communication skills. If you’ll start making personal changes, everything will change for you.

Your vision of the world, your attitude will be the determining factor in your career as well as in your life. Work on your attitude and your personality. Nobody else can do it for you.

Neglect start as an infection, and if you don’t take care of it it becomes a disease.
It is easy to ease off a little bit, and doing a little bit less than our best. However, each neglect and bad habit will have an impact on your performance. Before long it will affect your whole life.

Never miss a chance to be around successful  people. One of the most important decisions we make in life is who we choose to be around. There is an old proverb that reads, “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are."

Coach Yourself: A Motivational Guide For Coaches And Leaders

About This Book
Coach Yourself is a unique book, compiled exclusively for coaches to provide you with physical, mental and spiritual motivation throughout the season. In his follow-up to A Season In Words, veteran coach Dan Spainhour arms you with quotes and motivational ideas to help you achieve peace of mind throughout the season from how to stay motivated to handling critics.

