Practice Organization

Here's a handout received many years ago from Jerry Wainwright a coaching lifer & terrific person! Even though it s written with basketball in mind it is very relevant for any sport. 

  1. Set a specific time for players to be on the floor ready to go. Punish those who are late.
  2. Allow no one to miss practice without your expressed consent in advance.
  3. Issue basketballs to players only after they are dressed and ready for practice.
  4. Practice is a time for work. Do not permit horseplay.
  5. Players should stop at once whatever they are doing when the coach calls for their attention.
  6. Players should report any sickness or injury to the coach at once.
  7. Displays of temper will not be tolerated.
  8. Cursing will not be tolerated.
  9. Coaches should dress the part during practice sessions.
  10. Each practice session should be planned to the minute and kept for future reference.
  11. Have a system for issuing and caring for equipment.

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